Chosson Torah in Wellington

Chosson Torah

By Rabbi Menachem and Miriam Muskal

Chosson Torah in Wellington

  • Bid Price : $180
  • Buy It Now Price : $720
  • End Date / Time : 11 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes left
No matter how far away physically you may be from Wellington, you can still be close to us and help us in a HUGE way. By joining and sponsoring this Aliya you will be encouraging countless Yidden to join in the Simcha. We provide a full Yom Tov meal for all those that attend and this helps to encourage them to do another Mitzvha. And you can be a big part of this by Sponsoring this "Honor". Of course this Aliya has a Segulah for parnassah b'Harchava amongst other Brochos! Please help us and help Yidden!

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