Support Chabad of Norwood in Johannesburg, South Africa through buying the zchus of Kol Hane'arim!

Kol HaNe'arim

By Rabbi Mordechai & Sorale Rodal

Support Chabad of Norwood in Johannesburg, South Africa through buying the zchus of Kol Hane'arim!

  • Bid Price : $75
  • Buy It Now Price : $360
  • End Date / Time : 6 days, 12 hours, 12 minutes left
Although the majority of Jews in South Africa identify as traditional, many unfortunately don't participate in shul and other religious activities / programs. Chabad of Norwood has Boruch Hashem been quite successful in attracting unaffiliated Jews, allowing them the opportunity to finally feel comfortable in, and part of, a thriving community. Your donation (which comes to a lot more when converted to our local currency) will assist us to maintain our growth and success, helping us help others, and will directly contribute to bringing Jews "home".


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