Support Chabad at UBC - Bid on Kol Hane'arim

Kol HaNe'arim

By Rabbi Chalom Loeub

Support Chabad at UBC - Bid on Kol Hane'arim

  • Bid Price : $360
  • Buy It Now Price : $770
  • End Date / Time : 8 days, 20 hours, 26 minutes left
We are a Chabad house on campus that rarely gets Minyanim but when we do, we make it meaningful and special. Please help support what we do best. Finding all the neshomos and helping them connect to our Toras Chayim! May Hashem bentch you with much continued brochos for even just considering to purchase this Kibbud. Wishing you a Gmar Vechasima Tovah!!!

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