Bring Judaism to Every Jew in Los Angeles!

Chosson B'reishis

By Rabbi Dovid & Mushky Liberow

Bring Judaism to Every Jew in Los Angeles!

  • Bid Price : $770
  • Buy It Now Price : $1800
  • End Date / Time : 7 days, 2 hours, 40 minutes left
Imagine stepping into shul on Yom Kippur for the very first time in your life and feeling connected, even though you don’t read Hebrew. Imagine hearing the shofar after decades, feeling that rush of emotion as the memories flood back and the neshama stirs. This is what’s happening at Chabad in South Westwood, California - Yidden who haven’t been in shul for years, or at all, are returning, finding their place, and reconnecting to their Yiddishkeit. Your generous support will fund our minyan and ensure that no Yid is left out of the Yom Kippur experience, strengthening Torah and Yiddishkeit in our community.

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