War in Israel - Shluchim on the Frontlines

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  • War in Israel - Shluchim on the Frontlines

DollarDaily.org is making a meaningful impact by supporting Chabad centers in Israel through an intuitive platform. This platform allows users to select from a list of Chabad centers and make one-time donations. It's like having 10 tzedakah boxes on the checkout counter, and you want to put a few coins into each of them. For instance, if you decide to contribute a total of $100 and choose to support Chabad of Sderot, Ashkelon, and Ofakim, each center will receive $33. This system will automatically divide your donation among the centers you've selected. We will forward the funds on your behalf. We charge a 3% card fee to ensure that your full donation amount reaches the shluchim you've selected. We will regularly forward new funds to the shluchim. If you don't see a shliach on this list who belongs here, please contact us.

  • Rabbi Asher Pizem, the shliach to Sderot, a respected figure within the Chabad community, hails from how own town of Sderot, a city located within walking distance of the Gaza border. He possesses firsthand experience in navigating the perilous terrain amidst rocket attacks and has a deep understanding of the individuals in need within his community. His Chabad House serves a dual purpose, acting as both a substantial bomb shelter and a central hub for numerous soldiers stationed in Sderot.


  • Rabbi Shneur Kenig

    Chabad in Ofakim, under the leadership of Rabbi Kenig, operates a soup kitchen in collaboration with the local municipality. Unfortunately, Ofakim has been under a serious lockdown since Shabbas morning due to it being where terrorists initiated gunfire and kidnappings on the streets. Tragically, Rabbi Kenig has lost numerous community members, some of whom had recently celebrated Simchas Torah with him. Working in coordination with the Homefront Command and assisted by armed volunteers, Rabbi Kenig's mission is to deliver essential food supplies directly to thousands of individuals in need, right at their doorsteps.

  • Rabbi Menachem Liberman is leading a significant operation involving multiple Chabad centers in Ashkelon. These centers are serving as both bomb shelters and hubs for providing post-trauma therapy and essential humanitarian aid during this ongoing war. Since Shabbas morning, many homes in Rabbi Liberman's community, including his own, have been struck by rockets.


  • Rabbi Mendelson
    Missiles fell in our neighborhood, and we have from the community wounded and killed in the war, and we are organizing aid for the soldiers.


  • Rabbi Moshe Peles 

    Currently, our primary focus is on supporting the community members who remain at home throughout the day. We provide games and toys for children as well as food assistance to help alleviate the stress of their situation. Additionally, we contribute essential supplies and Tzitis to support our IDF soldiers.

  • Rabbi Levi Peles 

    Chabad Agamim 

    The Chabad house needs a donation for the purchase of food and drink for reservists who are in the vicinity. Food shopping and stocking up on water and basic products for the community families who are confined in their homes and cannot go out to stock up on their own.

  • Beth Chabad Achziv

    We are currently collaborating closely with a community located in close proximity to the Lebanese border. The residents of this community are experiencing profound fear and uncertainty due to the ongoing security situation. Additionally, we are providing support to many soldiers who are stationed in this area and working alongside us in these challenging circumstances. 

  • Rabbi Dovi Havlin

    The Carmi Gat Chabad House serves the entire expansive neighborhood and is currently providing additional support to the local residents affected by the ongoing conflict, as well as offering assistance to the IDF soldiers in the area. Their dedication and efforts are vital in these challenging times.


  • Rabbi Yisrael Peles 

    In the midst of the ongoing conflict in Israel, our dedicated team is stationed at the border of Lebanon, tirelessly working day and night to provide essential supplies, including food, drinks, and various other necessities, to the soldiers. Additionally, we are conducting a  Tefillin operation to offer spiritual encouragement and support to these brave individuals during these challenging times.


  • Rabbi Zalman Bukiet 

    As the conflict in Ukraine ignited, Rabbi Zalman Bukiet found himself entrusted with the safety and well-being of dozens of vulnerable children at an orphanage. Amidst the turmoil in the major Ukrainian city of Zhytomer, where threats loomed large, he demonstrated unwavering resolve , making the courageous decision to relocate with 60 children to the refuge of Ertz Yisrael.

  • Shliach: Rabbi Danny Cohen

    Situation: All four Chevron shluchim are currently on reserve duty. They are still in touch with hundreds of soldiers who are asking them for specific supplies and armor. American bochurim are doing the footwork. 

    Action: Bringing food and military gear to soldiers, helping them put on Tefillin, and brining chizuk. 

  • Eilat

    Shliach: Rabbi Mendi Klein

    Situation: 100,000 reserve soldiers stationed in bases near Eilat which the shluchim usually tend to. The soldiers are training to go into battle, and had rushed to base quickly on Simchat Torah without packing properly. The commanders keep turning to the Shluchim with huge lists of needs. 

    Action: Purchase and deliver food, military equipment, basic supplies, and Tzitzit to the soldiers. Help them with Tefillin and words of inspiration. 

  • Total Donations Collected : $5630.99