Rabbi Nosson and Sarah Meretsky, Chabad of Penn State University, State College, PAPassing the Torch of InspirationBy: Chaya ChazanIn some ways, my unconventional childhood perfectly prepared me for shlichus. When I was a toddler, my parents traveled cross country in a school-bus-turned-motor-home, from Boston to Oregon. I grew up in a 165 acre retreat center in a forest 40 miles west of Portland. I first learned about Chanukah when I was five, and had no clue there was more to Judaism until we moved to Portland when I was 11.We moved into a large house
Rabbi Mendy and Chani Posner, Chabad of Plantation, FloridaJudaism Takes Root in PlantationBy: Chaya ChazanThe state of Florida is one of the most densely populated - shlichus-wise, at least. In our county alone, there are over 50 shluchim! When we first moved here in 1990, there were less than ten.We were a young couple with a baby when Rabbi Leiberman asked us to join his team in Inverrary, Florida. My husband, a native sabra, worked well with the Israeli community, while I helped run the Hebrew school.After a couple years, we were ready to strike out
In a world often overshadowed by tumultuous events, there emerges a glimmer of hope and inspiration in the form of a groundbreaking book called "Illuminations." This remarkable publication, set to launch this week, is the brainchild of Yosef Shidler, the Executive Director of DollarDaily, a project with a clear mission – to support and shine a spotlight on dedicated shluchim around the world, all made possible with the power of a single dollar a day."When we set out on the journey of DollarDaily, our goal was crystal clear: to support and sp
Rabbi Shmuel and Chana Tiechtel, Chabad at Arizona State University, Tempe, ArizonaThe AS Jews of ASUBy: Chaya ChazanMy maternal great-grandfather, Rabbi Yitzchak Raskin, was a shochet, mohel, and teacher in Leningrad. The KGB regarded him suspiciously, since he was known to harbor dangerous criminals, such as Reb Chonyeh Morosow, the secretary to the Rebbe Rashab, as well as other illegal activities. When they arrested him, my grandmother and her sisters clung to each other and sobbed as he was dragged out to the waiting carriage. He turned back to them
Rabbi Avi and Mushky Feldman, Chabad of IcelandThe Northernmost Chabad House in the WorldBy: Chaya ChazanAfter an amazing one and a half year shlichus opportunity in Berlin, we were back in New York, looking for the next step in our journey. We were hearing more and more about Iceland, and its need for more Yiddishkeit. Although Jews had lived there for more than 100 years, there’s never been a rabbi or any kind of Jewish organization in the country. Beginning more than 50 years ago, groups of Merkos Shluchim visited Iceland from time to time. A Tanya
Israel At War: The Rebbe's Superheros Chabad of Ashkelon: Rabbi Moishy PelesSimchas Torah started beautifully. Delicious food filled our bellies, drinks flowed freely, and our community’s voices sang proudly throughout the night. Hakafos were lively, happy, and inspirational, and we went home dreaming of another day rejoicing with the Torah and our community.We woke up Shabbos morning to thunder and fire. Explosions - close ones, too. The sirens hadn’t gone off yet, but the ground was literally shaking beneath our feet. Our very foun
Rabbi Shlomi and Racheli Tabib, Chabad of TaiwanShalom and Ni Hao: Jewish Life in TaiwanBy: Chaya Chazan“You know, there’s this place in Hong Kong that could really use a Shliach. It’s called Kowloon,” a yeshiva friend of mine told me, after he visited the city.My wife and I, then just recently married, were intrigued, and we decided to check it out. We contacted Rabbi Avtzon, a long-time shliach in Hong Kong who happened to travel to Israel a short while later. After interviewing, he invited us to serve as the shluchim to the newly-opened Chabad
Rabbi Asher and Henya A”H Federman, Chabad of the U.S. Virgin IslandsHenya’s Everlasting Legacy Part IIBy: Chaya ChazanIn 2017, two Category 5 hurricanes devastated the island. We went without power for months, and it took a long time for the island to recover. Our first priority was to ensure our community’s safety, especially our elderly members. We helped them board up their windows, and tie down anything loose. We did the same to our house, and hunkered down for what promised to be the storm of the century.We learned our house’s roof had blow
Rabbi Asher and Henya A”H Federman, Chabad of the U.S. Virgin IslandsHenya’s Everlasting Legacy Part IBy: Chaya ChazanShlichus was a dream we’d shared from the very first moment we met. The day after our final sheva brachos, we opened our computer and Googled, “countries with a Jewish population and no Chabad house.” A few striking options came up, but Cuba caught our eye. We were excited to spread the Rebbe’s message to a “new” country, especially one we knew would challenge us in so many ways. We received special permission from the Bus
Rabbi Osher and Sarah Kravitsky, Chabad of Great Neck, New YorkTooting Our Shofars – You'll Have a Blast!By: Chaya ChazanAlthough my paternal grandfather was a shliach of the Frierdiker Rebbe, my father, the youngest in his family, was mostly raised by his mother, who imbued him with her bitterness about Hashem and Yiddishkeit. My parents divorced on my bar mitzvah, and the day would’ve proceeded completely unmarked if not for my uncle, who brought me to 770, where I received an aliyah in front of the Rebbe.As a young man, my days and nigh