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  • 19 Apr, 2024

Rocket Rainfall: Chabad in Sderot Part I

Rabbi Moshe Zeev and Sima PizemRabbi Mendel and Malki RizelRabbi Asher and Mushka Pizem Chabad of Sderot, IsraelRocket Rainfall: Chabad in SderotPart IBy: Chaya ChazanThe entire world is looking towards Israel now, as it prepares to fight a battle on three fronts. While multiple nations aim their weapons at our tiny strip of land, we’re as assured of victory as we were during the Six Day War, when the Rebbe insisted that Eretz Yisrael, Hashem’s special land from which He never removes His eyes, was the safest place on earth. As we will soon reci

  • 12 Apr, 2024

Rabbi Avremi and Chaya Raskin, Chabad of Southern Vermont, Brattleboro, VT

Rabbi Avremi and Chaya Raskin, Chabad of Southern Vermont, Brattleboro, VTMaple Syrup Meets Mitzvah ManiaBy: Chaya ChazanShlichus is in my blood. My grandparents were some of the first shluchim sent out by the Rebbe. My father grew up on shlichus in Morocco, and after he married, my parents moved to Burlington, Vermont to begin their own shlichus. I was born and raised on shlichus. Even after leaving home for yeshiva, I was constantly surrounded by talk of shlichus, and felt inspired to continue my family’s legacy. My wife, although Brooklyn born-and-r

  • 05 Apr, 2024

Rabbi Dov and Racheli Muchnik, Chabad of Oxnard, California Waxing Philosophical in the Grocery Store

Rabbi Dov and Racheli Muchnik, Chabad of Oxnard, CaliforniaWaxing Philosophical in the Grocery StoreBy: Chaya ChazanMany people are familiar with my father, the famous Chabad artist, Michoel Muchnik. While I didn’t inherit his talent, the legacy of his passion for Yiddishkeit and Chassidus still shape my life to this day.Growing up in Crown Heights, I was zoche to see the Rebbe often. I sat on the floor by the Rebbe’s table at many farbrengens, and davened with the Rebbe’s minyan. The Hayom Yom describes the great impact seeing or hearing a tzaddik

  • 29 Mar, 2024

Rabbi Dov and Chana Tova Mandel, Chabad of Fort Worth, Texas Making Texas Worthwhile

Rabbi Dov and Chana Tova Mandel, Chabad of Fort Worth, TexasMaking Texas WorthwhileBy: Chaya ChazanMy mother and uncle learned about Yiddishkeit through Rabbi Shmotkin at Chabad of Wisconsin. I moved around a lot as a kid, but I have many fond memories of the Lubavitch House in Milwaukee. We moved to a couple of places in New York, but when my mother remarried a Venezuelan, we moved to Caracas, where I spent the rest of my youth. Although we weren’t actually shluchim, as one of the few Chabad families in Caracas, we helped out so often, it felt like we

  • 22 Mar, 2024

Rabbi Immanuel Storfer, Yeshiva Torah Ohr, Miami, Florida An Unforgettable Experience

Rabbi Immanuel Storfer, Yeshiva Torah Ohr, Miami, FloridaAn Unforgettable ExperienceBy: Chaya ChazanIn the early 1970’s, Rabbi Avraham Korf, the head shliach of Florida, fulfilled a life-long dream by opening a yeshiva for baalei teshuva. After a few years, the financial burden of housing the bochurim became too heavy, and Rabbi Korf had to, regretfully, close the yeshiva. He assured the Rebbe it was just temporary - he’d get his finances in order and reopen as soon as possible.In 2009, when I was looking for a shlichus position, I remembered this st

  • 22 Mar, 2024

Rabbi Nosson Rodin, Chabad on Campus Karmiel - ORT Braude College, Karmiel, Israel

Rabbi Nosson Rodin, Chabad on Campus Karmiel - ORT Braude College, Karmiel, IsraelThe Unconventional ApproachBy: Chaya ChazanI’m originally from Ottawa, Canada. Both my parents were baalei teshuva, and I owe much of my shlichus to my father’s A”H influence. He sang opera in his youth, and gave it all up once he discovered Yiddishkeit. My father was aching to go on shlichus, and expressed this to the Rebbe on multiple occasions. Each time, the Rebbe advised him to maintain a 9-5 job instead.This never stopped him from devoting every moment outside o

  • 08 Mar, 2024

Rabbi Eli Moshe and Mirel Levitansky, Chabad at S. Monica College, S. Monica, California Breaking down Barriers

Rabbi Eli Moshe and Mirel Levitansky, Chabad at S. Monica College, S. Monica, CaliforniaBreaking down BarriersBy: Chaya ChazanAs children of shluchim, both of us agreed shlichus was our future.“I’ll go anywhere,” I said. “I just have two caveats: I don't want to do college campus shlichus, and I don’t want to work with family.”The fact that we ended up at a community college, right where I grew up, working alongside my brother, is mostly the fault of my very good friend, Rabbi Chaim Brook.As the shliach at California State University, Northri

  • 01 Mar, 2024

Rabbi Shmulik and Mushka Tewel, Les Institutions Shneor, Aubervilliers, France

Rabbi Shmulik and Mushka Tewel, Les Institutions Shneor, Aubervilliers, FranceShneor’s PrideBy: Chaya ChazanMy father is a living example of the adage, Everyone is a shliach. Although he’s a businessman, and not an official shliach, he never misses an opportunity to bring a fellow Jew closer to Hashem. He’d always return from work with stories about how he’d put tefillin on one person, gave a mezuzah to another, or gifted an associate with a Jewish book. So, although I grew up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, I was deeply influenced by the shlichus mi

  • 23 Feb, 2024

Rabbi Chanan and Tuba Chernitsky, Chabad of Newfoundland, S. John’s, Canada We’re Here for Reb Yisrael

Rabbi Chanan and Tuba Chernitsky, Chabad of Newfoundland, S. John’s, CanadaWe’re Here for Reb YisraelBy: Chaya ChazanWhile we hold the distinction of being the easternmost Chabad house in North America, the Newfoundland (or Newfie, as it’s more colloquially known) Jewish community is quite small. Separated from our sister territory, Labrador, by an island, all of Newfoundland is like one extended family, where everyone knows everyone else.Although I was born in Argentina, my family moved to Winnipeg, Canada when I was 14. It was there that I was fi

  • 16 Feb, 2024

Rabbi Mendy and Mindy Begun, The Wisdom Circle, Los Angeles, California Healing Body and Soul

Rabbi Mendy and Mindy Begun, The Wisdom Circle, Los Angeles, CaliforniaHealing Body and SoulBy: Chaya ChazanBoth my wife and I have the privilege to be third-generation shluchim. I grew up on shlichus in Cheviot Hills, about half an hour from where we live now. From an early age, my parents encouraged us to take an active part in the shlichus. I remember davening for the amud as a young bar mitzvah boy, and taking on positions of responsibility and leadership. It was the perfect education as I carry on a legacy started by my grandfathers.The importance o

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